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Jordan Chamber of Industry

Organization Name: [parent_page]


The Jordan Chamber of Industry acts as a national entity that embraces under its umbrella all the chambers of industry in Jordan, where JCI represent the interest and promote the full cooperation and coordination of local chambers of industry, located in the governorates of the Middle, the East and the North of the country. JCI is characterized as being a corporate entity financially and administratively independent·

Social Accounts
Project Main & Sub-Services



Project Target Gender

wcmale, female

Project Service Audiance


Project Location(s)

roomamman, balqa, zarqa, madaba, irbid, ajloun, jerash, mafraq, karak, tafilah, maan, aqaba

Project Target Nationality


Project Target Age Range

date_range18 to 35, more than 35

Project Industries of Interests

starict, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, media, women empowerment, iot

Project Start & End Dates
Organization Info.
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Project Location on the map